产品别名 |
污水处理设备,生活污水处理设备,环保设备,学校污水处理设备 |
面向地区 |
品牌 |
天通 |
规格 |
其它 |
加工定制 |
是 |
项目 CODCR/(mg/L) BOD5/(mg/L) SS/(mg/L) 氨氮/(mg/L) PH值
污水指标(出水水质) ≤50
≤10 ≤10
≤5 6~9
(1) 进水格栅和固液分离机 设一道细格栅,栅条间隙5mm。固液分离机采用转筒式,带自动冲洗装置。分离出固体废弃物可以同生活垃圾一同处理。
(2) 集水井和调节池 集水井设有2台潜污泵提升废水进入调节池。调节池内设有提升泵组,将废水提升进入UASB反应器。调节池HRT=8h,有效容积1170m³,结构尺寸22.0m×12.0m×5.0m。
(3) UASB反应器 有机负荷5.5kgCOD/(m³•d),有效容积1580m³,数量2座,单池尺寸Ø13.75m×5.65m,有效水深5.3m。设计去除效率COD85%、BOD85%、SS50%。
济宁天通设备公司秉承 “持续创新、追求、勇担责任”的核心价值观,践行 “净化环境,造福人类”的企业宗旨,注重社会效益和勇于承担社会责任,为客户持续创造价值。
Treatment process
The wastewater in this project is a high concentration organic wastewater, which is good for Biochemistry and is suitable for biochemical treatment. The combination process of anaerobic UASB and aerobic SBR was adopted in the selection and comparison of the process.
In view of the many characteristics of waste water suspension, two stages of pre treatment with grille and solid-liquid separator are used to avoid the effect on the subsequent UASB.
Technical and economic indicators
The total investment of this project is 6 million yuan. Power consumption 0.33 (Kw - H) /m fand wastewater, direct operation cost is 0.35 yuan /m fand wastewater.
Jining Tian Tong equipment company specializes in various sewage treatment projects, producing all kinds of sewage treatment equipment. The company has more than 4000 flat solid processing workshop, and the China University of Petroleum, Ocean University of China, Qingdao University of Science & Technology and other famous universities to establish many of the nation's production, long-term hired a group of well-known domestic and foreign experts to guide our teaching, to achieve the company's pioneering spirit, keep pace with the times, the new technology, new achievements are applied to practice, to better achieve the enterprise to reduce pollutant the discharge.