产品别名 |
水处理设备,纺织废水处理工程,污水处理站,废水处理站 |
面向地区 |
品牌 |
天通 |
规格 |
其它 |
加工定制 |
是 |
福建三明纺织厂 纺织废水处理工程案例
一 工程概况
二 排放标准:
项目 | CODCR/(mg/L) | BOD5/(mg/L) | SS/(mg/L) |
进水量 出水量 | 1500-2000 ≤60
| 500-1000 ≤10
| 200-450 ≤10
(1) 处理工艺技术,系统运行经济安全可靠。
(2) 处理设施、节能,管理、运行、维修方便且能长久正常运行。
(3) 构筑物及设备布局要紧凑合理,占地面积小且美观大方。
(4) 乙方:所供设备和配套材料都是全新的、完整的和新设计的,达到质量标准和满足安全使用要求。
四 设备名称、规格型号、计量单位、数量
五 质量
1 卖方所提供设备是全新的、在交付时没有材质或工艺上的缺陷且符合买方提出的技术标准及规范;
2 卖方应其出售的设备科提供正常和恰当地使用,并且在经过正确安装、正常操作和保养的前提下,在设备的寿命期内运转良好;
3 设备的材料和零部件均应符合或优于买方提出的技术标准及规范。
六 设备的安装调试验收
1 设备交货后,卖方应在买方通知现场具备安装条件时,在一周或更短的时间内派技术人员到场安装,并在规定时间内安装调试完毕,同时卖方负责安装调试过程中所有因质量缺陷而损坏的零部件免费更换。
2 设备在卖方指导下安装调试运行后,买方和卖方共同对设备进行安装调试验收,若卖方不参与联合检验,则视为同意买方的验收结果。设备经安装调试验收合格后,由双方共同签署《设备安装调试验收结论单》。
Five quality assurance
1 the Seller guarantees that the equipment provided is completely new and has no material or technological defects at the time of delivery and is in conformity with the technical standards and specifications proposed by the buyer.
2, the Seller shall ensure that the equipment department which sells it provides normal and proper use, and performs well during the life of the equipment under the premise of proper installation, normal operation and maintenance.
3 the materials and parts of the equipment shall be in conformity with or superior to the technical standards and specifications proposed by the buyer.
Installation and acceptance check and acceptance of six equipment
1 equipment after delivery, the Seller shall notify the buyer in the field have the installation conditions, sent technical personnel to the scene to install in a week or a shorter period of time, and the installation is completed within the specified time, at the same time, the Seller shall be responsible for the installation process all the damage due to quality defects of parts replaced free of charge.
2, when the equipment is installed under the seller's guidance and commissioning, the buyer and seller jointly install, check and accept the equipment. If the seller does not participate in the joint inspection, it will be deemed to agree with the buyer's acceptance result. After the installation and commissioning of the equipment, the two parties jointly sign the "conclusion of the installation and commissioning of equipment".
3, the seller is responsible for guiding the installation, and is responsible for guiding the commissioning. Only after installation and commissioning and technical performance can meet the technical requirements described in the contract technology, can the buyer accept all the goods.
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