产品别名 |
玻纤石英电缆导管,玻璃钢排水管道,玻璃钢电缆保护管,玻璃钢排污管道 |
面向地区 |
产地 |
河北枣强 |
衡水生产供应玻璃钢电缆穿线保护管.玻纤石英电缆导管 玻璃钢电缆保护管 玻璃钢电力电缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆保护管厂家价格 玻璃钢电缆保护套管 玻璃钢电缆管厂家价格 玻璃钢电缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆套管 玻璃钢电缆穿线管 玻璃钢电力电缆管 玻璃钢电力电缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆保护管厂家 玻璃钢电线电缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆护管 玻璃钢电缆保护管公司 电缆保护管 电缆保护套管 电力电缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆管设备 玻璃钢电线光缆保护管 玻璃钢电缆保护管设备 玻璃钢电缆导管适用于: 1、城市电网建设及改造工
2、高速公路,桥梁建设工程 3、城市市政基础工程 4、机场、运动场等建设工程 5、海底电缆和电缆过河保护工程 6、公用场所。 玻璃钢电缆保护管产品特性: 1、强度高 2、耐腐蚀 3、使用寿命长 4、阻燃、耐热抗冻性好 5、电绝缘性能好 6、柔性系统具较好的适应性 7、光洁度高 8、施工安装快捷方便 GRP pipe is a new type of composite tubes is an excellent performance, it has other traditional material (metal pipe, concrete pipe, plastic pipe) incomparable superiority:
1, excellent water resistance, corrosion resistance of pipeline lining: scientific and reasonable selection and process of resin layer design, to ensure that the pipeline is waterproof, anti chemical corrosion resistance, excellent performance.
2, excellent hydraulic performance, saving energy, no two pollution - smooth wall, improving the transmission capacity of GRP pipe wall roughness coefficient is only 0.0084, and the steel tube 0.04, concrete pipe 0.014, cast iron pipe is 0.013,Therefore, the glass tube can significantly reduce the loss of fluid pressure along the flow path, improving the transmission capacity of 20-30%.
The reduced diameter, one-time investment in saving transport capacity at the same time, the project can reduce the 1-2 diameter grade selection of FRP pipes, so as to reduce the project investment time.
3, good mechanical properties, tensile strength ratio of high strength pipeline steel is higher than below, ductile iron pipe and concrete pipe, and the ratio is about 3 times stronger than steel, 10 times of nodular cast iron pipe,Concrete pipe 25. The tensile strength is not less than 320 of the pipeline Mpa, anti impact performance: 1.5kg is not damaged in the falling weight impact height 1600mm.</a>